
Mr. Abdul Matlub Ahmad

(Honorable Chairman)

Mr. Matlub Ahmad started his business carrier in 1981 and eventually in 1990 he went into joint venture with Tata Motors under the banner of Nitol Motors. It has spawned many new employment, business opportunity like Nita Joint Venture, Nitol Cement, Nitol Insurance, Nitol Leasing Company, Niloy Hero Motors, Nitol Curtis Paper Mill, Kaliachapra Sugar Mill etc.
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Mrs. Selima Ahmad

(Honorable Vice Chairman)

The honorable NNG Vice Chairperson Mrs. Selima Ahmad, most famous Women Entrepreneurship Leader of Bangladesh. She obtained graduation and Masters in Business Management from Dhaka University and did short courses from, Japan, Denmark and Canada. She is a Fellow of Stanford University ,USA. She is the Director of HRD of NNG Group,

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Mr. Abdul Musabbir Ahmad

(Honorable Managing Director)

Abdul Musabbir Ahmad (Nitol) is the eldest son of Mr Abdul Matlub Ahmad and Ms Selima Ahmad acting as a Managing Director of Nitol Niloy Group (NNG). Mr. Musabbir is an energetic, dynamic and farsighted industrialist with visionary zeal and posses extraordinary power of digital knowledge. Under the leadership of Mr Musabbir the group businesses are

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Mr. Abdul Marib Ahmad

(Honorable Vice Chairman)

Mr. Abdul Marib Ahmad (Niloy) is the Vice Chairman of Nitol-Niloy Group. He is the youngest talented, energetic, a prominent strategist in Bangladesh, who is the youngest son of living legendary business leader Abdul Matlub Ahmad and Ms Selima Ahmad. He has played a pivotal role in taking decision for various companies such as Nitol Tata commercial vehicles,

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